We’re delighted to announce our charity quiz date which takes place on Saturday 12th April. Details of how to enter and event location are attached. Please book early to ensure your place. All proceeds will go to local charities and worthy causes across The Marsh area

The Imprtance of AEDs and CPR

At our meeting this week we heard from Ken Hopkins of Hopkins Training and Support about the importance of having AEDs (Automated External Defibrilators) available and working in the local community. He explained what the defibrillator does and how important it is to relaise that the use of an AED alone will not save someone’s

Santa Sleigh Thank You

Our Santa sleigh programme before Christmas once again inspired us with the generosity of the general public to our fund-raising efforts. We raised approx £8,000 over the course of the 3 weeks or so we took the sleigh and Santa around the towns and villages of the Marsh area. We couldn’t have done this without

Burns Night Supper

We’re holding our Burns Night Supper on Saturday 25th January (Burns Night itself) at All Saints Church Hall St. Mary’s Bay. It is a fund raising event and all proceeds will go to supporting the Romney Marsh Community Hub. Full details on how to buy tickets for the event are attached. It pomises to be

Santa Sleigh Runs 16th & 17th December

We’re delighted to let evereyone know that we have been able to reschedule the 2 Santa sleigh runs we had to postpone due to bad weather. Santa will now be visiting Greatstone next Monday evening (16th) and Dymchurch Tuesday evening (17th). Details shown below. We look forward to meeting ang greeting you then.

Santa Sleigh Runs 9th – 13th December

The weather Gods have been kind to us so far this year with only one run having to be postponed. The forecast for the coming week also looks to be favourable overall so hoepfully we will be able to stick to the planned schedule. Attached are the posters for the 5 intended routes this week

Santa is Coming

Hello Everyone. Yes it’s that time of year again and we are delighterd to announce our 1st week of Santa Sleigh runs for the upcoming festive season. Beginning next Monday (25th) we have 5 routes planned for next week starting at 5.30 pm in Greatstone; Lydd, Dymchurch and Churchlands, NewRomney. Watch out for updates on

Santa is Coming to Town

Hello Everyone. It’s hard to believe but Christmas is only a few weeks away and plans for our annual Santa Sleigh runs are well advanced. As you can see from the attached we have a busy schedule ahead of us with our volunteer Elves once again giving us great support. More details on individual routes

Helping Back Pain through Swimming

Our speaker at our meeting last week was Dr Helen Oakes, Advanced Practice Physiotherapist at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust. She’s also a member of Hythe Aqua Master Swimmers and regularly competes in age related swimming galas  Helen gave us a very illuminating talk on a project she is currently undertaking on seeing how

Calling All Budding Santa Sleigh Drivers!

Each year we cross the towns and villages of the Romney Marsh area transporting Santa and his sleigh. We couldn’t do this without the help of a dedicated band of drivers who give up their valuable spare time to tow our sleigh at their own expense using their own towing vehicle. That said we’re always

Santa Claus is Coming!

Although memories of summer are still fresh in all our minds our team has been hard at work preparing for this year’s Santa Sleigh runs across the Romney Marsh area. The sleigh and reindeers are looking in pristine condition and the eleves have been hard at work preparing the schedule. Here is our current plan