Well, we made it through what proved to be a tough year for many and now hope for a much better 2022
but it is clear that the challenges of the Covid pandemic are still with us and that we all have a duty to do
all we can to shield and protect ourselves, our families and all that we come into contact with.
Our club has been involved in a whole load of activities since our last issue so here is a round up of recent
Celebrating (virtually) with our Contact Club in Germany.
Back in 1971 The Rotary Club of Romney Marsh and The Rotary Club of Gelsenkirchen Buer (from the Ruhr
region of Germany) became Contact Clubs, a Rotary equivalent to Town Twinning. This friendship has
continued for 50 years and each year we alternate between us visiting them for a weekend and them
visiting us. These weekends are always very enjoyable events and continued every year until Covid put a
stop to our fun. In May 2019 The Rotary Club of Romney Marsh celebrated its 50th Anniversary and a
group came over from Gelsenkirchen to join our celebrations but sadly our members were unable to return
the compliment with a reciprocal visit to Germany to celebrate their 60th Anniversary in November. We
were however able to join them in spirit by having a German themed night organised by Kevin at The
Warren Golf Club where we hold our regular Thursday evening meetings. He did us proud with a menu of
Hasenpfeffer ( Rabbit Stew ) followed by Apfelstrudel (Apple Strudel). The tables were decorated with the
Union and the German flags and a thoroughly good time was had by all. Naturally we told our German
friends all about it and they were overwhelmed and delighted that we had celebrated with them in this

Welcoming new friends
At the same meeting, we were at last able to welcome John Lawson and Attilla of the John Lawson Circus
and present them with a certificate formally recognising the help they have given us and other Rotary
Clubs as they travelled around the country. Their willingness to allow Rotarians to take a collection in
support of their local charities at each location they visited is very much appreciated and we are delighted
to have them as ‘Friends’ of Romney Marsh.

Rotary Young Chef Competition and bowling outing
Nine budding young chefs cooked up a storm in the area round of this year’s Rotary Young Chef
competition held in the Catering Department of Folkestone College on 18th November and sponsored by
Folkestone Hotel and Catering Association and the four Rotary Clubs of Folkestone, Hythe, Channel and
Romney Marsh. Their work was judged by three local hotel chefs on the taste and presentation of their
dishes as well as costs, planning, healthy choices and the range of skills used. They had an hour to show
correct use of knives and equipment, neatness of their work area and hygiene, as well as producing two
plates of food on time and at a good temperature. The winner was 16-year-old Isabel Keutenius (pictured),
who prepared a seafood and chicken paella. Runner-up was 11-year-old Lucas Gilham, who served smoked
salmon, new potatoes and green beans. They each received a cash prize, a cookery book and a certificate,
presented by the president of the Rotary Club of Folkestone, Kate McNeice and both will now go forward
to the District round of the competition in early 2022.
The same four local Rotary clubs also organised a half term treat for youngsters who are also young carers
in their areas to our local Ten Pin Bowling Alley in Ashford followed by lunch. The ten who took part were
all nominated by Imago, KCC’s organisation that supports young carers and while they were quiet at first,
they soon loosened up when the bowling began and by lunch time they were quite chatty. Some of the
Rotarians and Imago leaders joined in the bowling and everyone seemed to have a good time.
Romney Marsh Sleigh Runs
It is fair to say that we had a series of ‘challenges’ to get the show back on the road this year but we were
determined to do so having missed last year completely because of the limitations imposed by Covid. The
worst was on the first night when our brand new generator let us down forcing a postponement and an
early night for our volunteer collectors but the people of the Marsh are so good and within hours of
posting pleas on Facebook we had a number of offers for a replacement in time for the second night. After
that we had issues with the mobile ‘phone that we use as a tracker device to allow our progress to be
followed in real time on Facebook and a couple of nights of wretched weather but we were pleased to take
part in the New Romney Lantern Parade and managed to get out for 14 nights plus a day collecting at
Sainsbury’s and morning in New Romney High Street.

All of our members love the sleigh runs and the interaction with the wonderful people in our area and we
are really pleased to be back.
What else?
Our members were pleased to support the local Salvation Army Toy Appeal, provide a lovely ‘Big Ted’ to
help with a local school raffle and once again hand out a festive puzzle sheet to children in our local
schools. We are now looking forward to our Burns Night Supper on 22nd January, our Quiz Night on 12th
February and our Golf Day in April. Check out our website www.romneymarshrotary.co.uk for details.
Finally we wish a very Happy Birthday to members with birthdays coming up in the next couple of months –
Julie Lawrence (1st Jan), Andrew Sinden (5th Jan), Jim Lawrence (24th Feb) and David Bourne (27th Feb)
So what do I do if I want to join?
We’ll be delighted to welcome new Members to the club. If you are interested in joining us, get in touch
via email info@romneymarshrotary.co.uk or check out our website – www.romneymarshrotary.co.uk
where you can also find out a little more about who we are and what we do.
Reg’d charity no 281361
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